Spencer Liff as the Broadway choreographer! Stay forever please (and choreograph naked). I would love if Tyce just did the Jazz/Lyrical stuff for the rest of this season.
Jakob & Ashleigh - NappyTabs hip-hop routine to "Whatcha Say" by Jason Derulo
I want to see Jakob in the finals. He can do no wrong in my book. And who knew that Ashleigh had it in her to hit those moves so hard? I still don't love her, but I definitely no longer think she's an anchor holding Jakob back. The routine didn't resonate with me like some of the NappyTabs lyrical hip-hop from the past (e.g. "Bleeding Love", "Like You'll Never See Me") but it was still great to watch.
Ryan & Ellenore - Travis Wall contemporary routine to "Your Ex-Lover's Dead" by Stars
Ay yae yae, I floved this routine so damn much. I loved everything about it, from the fantastic beginning with Ellenore to Ryan's weird crotch grabbing, the fluidity if the movements, the song. Excellent. Ellenore is made of awesome!
The unfair:
Russell has to do the Foxtrot again? The hell? Good thing he and Noelle did it well.
On the flipside, I love me some Victor, but he got Jazz? Is he ever going to get a genre that isn't in his wheelhouse? And uh Tyce? Is a crazy motherfucker.
The surprising:
Legacy & Kathryn and their paso doble. I was expecting it to be so bad. And it was very good. And thanks Tony Meredith; you've officially made me hot for Legacy. Huzzah!
The scary:
LaurieAnn Gibson = terrifying
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