Saturday, January 21, 2012

Post Seattle Snowpocalypse 2012

 First came all of the snow on Wednesday, January 18, 2012. It started around 3:30 AM and kept going and going, snowing a constant blanket of that powdery white that compacts so well and makes for great snow balls. By late Wednesday night the temperature had dropped significantly, and the shit on the ground was freezing and turning into ice.
The next morning we woke to this horror: A world covered in ice. And around 10AM it started to snow again and continued until the afternoon, when it changed to dumping a frozen sleet on the ground.
By Friday it was all over; except for the thaw and the digging out. The amount of shoveling, ice-picking, and glacier removal that I had to do to unearth my car so that I could drive the 2 miles down the road to see my father was ridiculous.
The Seattle side streets today are still a slushy, wet, treacherous mess. But at least one good thing came out of this shut-in week: I watched and cleared out HOURS of programming from my dvr. And I didn't lose power once.
It's the small things.

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