Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Things I'm Thankful For - 2011 edition

The holiday season is officially upon us, and as we sit down to enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving meal with friends and family, I am going to take some time out to share what I'm thankful for this year.

  1. My health/my life. I went through some scary times earlier this year. There were several months when all of my doctors thought I had some form of cancer and wouldn't live to see my 45th birthday. And even after the true nature of my condition was confirmed and surgery was planned, there was still a big possibility that I wouldn't make it. But I did. And I've healed very well. And I have a different outlook on things. And for that I'm grateful.
  2. My friends. YOU are the family that I've chosen, and I really couldn't have done a better job. 2011 has been the year that I truly found out how special the people that I've surrounded myself with are, and how important they are to me. My friends are the best.
  3. NaNoWriMo. Sure, I'm woefully behind and probably won't meet the 50K word deadline on November 30, but each time that I've attempted (and failed) to complete a novel within 30 days it has inspired me creatively, and that's a great feeling.
  4. Nolan Ross. Thank you Gabriel Mann for reminding me how much I love you, and for bringing this character to life in the most wonderful ways. And for being an undercover hard body; your abs were the best thing on my TV this fall! Thank you ABC for not only not cancelling Revenge, but for also giving it a full season order.

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