Ok, who am I kidding? That's not true, I'm addicted. I need my own 12-step program to get out from under the powerful hold that crap reality television has over me.

The place for pop-culture brain dumping
Some of my other favorite moments of these games:
The US Nordic Combined team - Before Vancouver, our Nordic combined team had not won a single Olympic medal in this sport; that's since 1924 folks.
But that's all changed now thanks to Johnny Spillane's silver in the indv short hill, his 2nd silver along with Bill Demong's gold medal in the indv long hill, and the Team Combined silver, where Spillane picked up his third silver of the Games along with teamates Demong, Todd Lodwick, and Brett Camerota.
All this for a sport that's never received much attention in this country. As someone who's been a fan since at least the 84 Sarajevo games, it's nice to see Nordic Combined get some respect.
Regarding USA Hockey's silver medal "loss" to Canada on the last day of the Games. It's so bittersweet for me. I really wanted the US guys to win the gold, but one of my favorite hockey players, Pittsburgh Penguins' Sydney Crosby scored the winning overtime goal for Canada.
Finally, why were people at the closing ceremony forced to wear those weird paper-like snuggie ponchos? Pretty great closer though.
Though they claimed to have done research, the dance they did didn’t really seem Aboriginal. And watching the dance Sunday night, one can understand why Aboriginal leaders were offended. At times, Shabalin led Domnina around by her ponytail. They mugged, stuck out their tongues and mimicked the hand over mouth gesture that was once associated with American Indians. The whole thing made me really uncomfortable. AND cultural insensitivity aside, the dance wasn’t well executed. There were several areas where their footwork seemed off and they weren’t in unison. See it here and you’ll understand what I mean.
After the dance ended, the audience was underwhelmed to say the least. Yet they were still scored higher than Belbin & Agosto who did a lively, and respectful Moldovan folk dance.
My hope for the medal outcomes this evening? I want a North American sweep! I would love to see Meryl Davis & Charlie White from the U.S. take the gold. I find them humble and utterly charming (if a little robotic), and they are totally the future of this sport (also, I love Charlie White's hair!). I wouldn't mind the current leaders, Canadians Virtue & Moir to take the silver, and gorgeous Tanith Belbin and Ben Agosto to take home a bronze.
I definitely don't think the Russian team, current world champions or not, deserve to be on the medal stand.