First, let's get it out of the way and talk about how my glorious sweetie, Johnny Weir, was f*cking ROBBED of a bronze medal in the men's figure skating Olympic championship. One of the few besides the gold and silver medalists to skate a clean, spill and error free program, his choreography and grace were the best of the night in the free skate. The way he was underscored by the judges was just a continuation of their jackassery from Tuesday evening's short program where his beautiful routine was scored low enough to put him in 6th place where he ultimately remained when all was said and done. Johnny Weir should be proud of himself and what he accomplished in Vancouver.

And I hope to hell he decides to compete in 2014 in Sochi. Afterall, the Olympics will then be held in his beloved Russia. American Evan Lysacek went on to beat Russia's Plushenko for the gold medal. I wish Evan wasn't such a douchey asshole, because he makes it impossible for me to be happy for him and his phenomenal skating this week. Seriously, he was amazing but I still found myself hoping he would fall and tear his Draco Malfoy inspired

"Slytherin on Ice" onesie costume he sported during his free skate.
Ice Dancing begins tonight. My two favorites pairs, who both happen to be American, will be competing along with the rest of the field in their short program which will have them all doing different folk dances. Evan Lysacek's "former girlfriend" Taneth Belbin and Ben Aguosto are the team I'm most rooting for, but seriously, I love ice dancing so much I never care who ultimately stands on the Olympic medal risers.

Finally, heaven help me. But I have lately been finding myself sexually attracted to 2-time gold medalist Shaun White. What the hell is WRONG WITH ME?!!
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