I didn't know what to expect going into the Spanish film Mediterranean Food, my 6th movie outing for the 2010 Seattle International Film Festival. I only had the festival guide description to go by; there weren't any reviews to give me a clue, nor was I familar with any of the actors or the director.
All I knew was that it was an "erotic comedy" about a menage a trois that occurs between a female chef and her two lovers. Hey, sounds like a great way to spend a couple of hours on a rainy Sunday.
The three leads, Olivia Molina, Alfonso Bassave, and Paco Leon are very engaging and their love story in the film is surprising believable. Three-ways are difficult to make compelling; in films most end up either coming off as really cheesy or so rooted in fantasy that you can't imagine the scenario happening in real life. Mediterranean Food managed to make the idea of a menage a trois between these characters very natural. And I won't lie, the "realness" of the relationship made it that much sexier. I definitely wouldn't mind being in her position.

I would have liked for the story of Molina's character Sofia and her love of food and the progression she takes to becoming a top chef, to have been fleshed out a little more. I wanted the food scenes to be more Like Water For Chocolate and less like some episode of a bad soap opera about a chef. That and the horrible 90s smooth jazz score were the only small complaints I had for an overall really enjoyable film.
But let's get back to the good parts of the movie -
Did I mention that there's full frontal nudity from both Paco Leon and Alfonso Bassave in the movie? Yeah, I know, take a minute to gather yourself.